Home Intro - noflowpls

Intro - noflowpls


I am just a regular CTF player and a nerd that interest WebSec :). noflowpls

I am 16 years old and learning funky bio in highschool.

Like to stay alone by learning about Sec on Internet.


I will post writeups about the CTFs challs (via) WebSec in this blog. I will share my poor knowledge about WebSec that i got from the challs.

Also, I am planning to play CTFs too. But will not do alone here :). With team and fris are more fun in CTF.

So, if you wanna join my team no_dirty, feel free to dm me at: Twitter: https://twitter.com/noflowpls/

Though the team name is weried, this team will be family type and don’t have to stay very actively. Also, Welcome Beginners too! Don’t feel shy to join up.


This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.
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